
16 May 2012

Six Year Blogiversary

Yup, its been six years since this. The first blog post.

I had to take a moment to take it all in. In case you haven't noticed, we like change. And change...well, there's been a lot of it in the last six years. We've added two boys to the family, lost a dear dog, gained a dear dog, changed jobs, states.

And I suppose as I have changed, my blog has changed too. From a knitblog to a babyblog and now a soon-to-be expat slash foreign service blog. Thank you for hanging in there through it all with me. I promise things are about to get pretty exciting. Like tigers, elephants, what the hell have I done? exciting. Yeah, that kind of exciting.

Because in two weeks my sweetheart tests in Thai. And if he passes, we leave in June. I feel like Rhino, the hampster from the movie "Bolt" jumping up and down crying "LET IT BEGIN!! LET IT BEEGIN!"

Let me leave you with this parting shot, wherein the boys have discovered the finest way to fly. Lucky dog.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe it's almost time for you to leave!
