
25 January 2012

Make Believe

Sometimes we lose sight of what's important.
Giving our kids everything they want, instead of the things they need.
So for little P's fifth birthday (not this guy, the other one!), we collected costumes, hats and props for a make-believe chest. Pirate hat, Dr.'s kit, an apron and chef's hat I found at Joanne's and a giant chest to collect it all. And sadly, our boys never had a cape. REALLY.
So a yard each of black and blue microfleece fabric, velcro fasteners so they can't get caught by the neck, and now the boys are ready to take on the world! Make some magic. Fly!!! Fight the villains! Climb coffee tables in a single bound!
And I feel like a better parent, to boot.

Since I had the trusty sewing machine out, I decided to make use of the scrap fabric from my mom and the yoga bags.

So, three bucks worth of fabric paint and some cord later....

Fun bags!! Har har.

Great way to keep the toys tidy, and easy to find when the boys want them. I made a bag for their musical toys, and another for their safety gear (helmets, elbow and knee pads). Again, feeling like a better parent...patting self on back...yup.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! Playing dress up is a wonderful way to feed a child's creativity.
