
26 January 2012

D.C. Adventures

Can't believe I almost forgot to post this one- the Smithsonian's Museum of the American Indian. A beautiful building, inside and out. We were not as impressed with the exhibits, but while chasing the boys it wasn't as easy to soak in. I can't explain exactly why. We haven't had that problem before.
They did, however, have a wonderful area dedicated to children. The boys got to explore there, and had a wonderful time. I must say, they were really well-behaved too, so a staff member favored them by pulling a few patches out of her pocket. Which coincidentally, we collect whenever we can.
I really loved this collection of spindle whorls from Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Absolutely beautiful-the caption below says that personal spirit helpers are carved into them, instilling their power into the yarn and clothes that are created from it. Can I get me some of that?
Little P tried his hand at a bit of basket weaving.
Nathan tried a little bit of everything. He's at that age now. Nothing is safe.

And Little P would now like his own kayak. I'll start saving.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it's because you were chasing the boys that you found the exhibits to be lacking. We felt the same way when we visited there. The building is beautiful but there's just not a lot to see.
