
Wedgewood Blouse-Not So Blousy

Finally, I broke down and took a pathetic picture of my wedgewood blouse, knit in Berrocco's Ultra Alpaca, some leftovers from the cabled hoodie I knit for LBB last year. As usual, the torso is too short for my liking, due to someone not checking her guage as usual, but I like the fitted top.
Also notable, this was my first project with dreaded bobbles...And like all the othet things I feared before, lace, charts, complex cables, it wasn't as bad as I expected. Silly girl...
And speaking of silly, here's my silly party face at my adorable cousin's bachelorette. I know, I know-we're not supposed to show pictures of these events, but it really was a good time. The bacherorette was sweet, cute, and even when tipsy, dignified in a way that made me both proud of being in the same family, and embarrassed about what a mushy mess I was at mine over seven years ago. I wish I could have been as composed and cute as this little bride. Isn't she beautiful? Makes me just bubble over with happiness . She's going to look picture-perfect in a wedding gown. *sigh*