
27 September 2006

Loopy Wednesday

Ha ha! Rhinebeck is going to be a blast! I signed up this week to be a player in Blogger Bingo, so watch out! I am a fearless hunter who will be on the prowl, come hell or high water!
I decided not to be a square because right now I'd most likely be known as "Fields of Heather, WHO?" I peeked at Stitchy's list of participants and see there are a ton of bloggers who will be squares that I can't wait to meet. Being a newbie, I think this year I will really enjoy making new friends and finding new bloggers to learn from. So let the games begin!

I also worked on my brother's care package this weekend, and decided to go the frivolous route. Mom is sending home-made brownies and neccesities to comfort him. I'm sending toys, movies, and assorted crack-ups, such as windup rubber bugs the size of your hand that scurry across the floor, and of course the greatest action figure in my mind, Joe Bender.

Joe is pretty cool, and I like to keep him around, but he would make a very bad boyfriend. As you can see, sometimes he grows his hair way too long, and he obviously spend a fortune on sporting goods. In his collection is hockey, football, baseball gear, assorted skiing and snowboarding equipment. He recently splurged on a sporty little kayak. Oh, and apparently he doesn't bother with the PFD. So unfortunately our relationship would not last. I will rest my hopes with good old G.I. Joe.


  1. This will be my first year at Rhinebeck and I am SO EXCITED!!! I signed up to be a player and a square - I figure it's a great way to meet fellow bloggers. :) I think your brother will really enjoy the package. I love Joe Bender!!

  2. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I can't wait for Rhinebeck - I'm only a square because I'm not so good at multi-tasking and I think fiber shopping and playing bingo at the same time might send me into overload ;o)

    Your brother is going to love his care package - Joe Bender is awesome!
