
18 July 2006

How Fast Does Wool Burn?

If I don't get somewhere on this soon we may find out.
It is deceptive-I'm almost finished with the body, but with that low-slung neckline you would think I was making a tunic.
My co-workers arrive every day in sparkling-new adorable outfits, and I'm still working on the same damn sweater after three months? When its done I had better feel the experience to be rewarding or I am taking up a new craft!

Maybe fingerpainting. Or making those lawn decorations that look like a toadstool or a woman beding over in a polka-dotted skirt.


  1. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Toldja it'd take forever. It's that freakin' stockinette curse ;o)

  2. Your sweater will be wonderfully worth it!! And PLEASE don't start making those bent-over women. LOL

  3. No lawn decorations, okay?

  4. Don't ever burn yarn! You can always rip it up and use it on something else ;)

  5. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Keep on going!
