
24 May 2006

Phil's Cable Scarf

3 skeins Green Mountain Spinnery Mountain Mohair 2 oz/140 yards in balsam
Size 8 needles

Cast on 32. Knit 2 rows in garter stitch.
Row 1: (RS) K2 P4 K3 P4 K6 P4 K3 P4 K2
Row 2: (WS) K6 P3 K4 P6 K4 P3 K6
Repeat 6 times
Row 13: (RS) K2 P4 K3 P4 C3B P4 K3 P4 K2
Row 14: (WS) K6 P3 K4 P6 K4 P3 K6

Repeat Rows 1-14 until the man says its long enough, end with 2 rows of garter stitch. Weave in loose ends and block.

Its a simple cable scarf, but I can't wait to finish and block it! And then put it away until October. Boooo.


  1. Anonymous6:09 AM

    *waves* Hi Heather! Glad to hear you are no longer among the ranks of the 'blogless' ;o)

    (just in case you don't remember - we met at CT S&W, I sat between you and your mom and Carole forced me to eat...) ;o))

  2. Don't you love Green Mountain spinnery yarn? The scarf is great.

  3. Hi Heather! Welcome to Blogland. I like your no-TV resolution. I am a TV hater but my hubby is a TV lover. I have to replace our broken VCR tonight and I can't wait to explain to the salesman that we actually have to get up and walk to the TV to change the channel.
    your mom and Carole's friend Martha

  4. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Hey Heather --

    Just popping over to say hi! We met at CT S&W -- I am also friends with your mom and Carole!! I'm with you on TV -- big waste of time. We actually have no cable in our house, which is very sad for my television addicted kids!

  5. Hi Heather...welcome to bloggy land! I live not too far from you, so I guess you could call us neighbors. :)
