
12 January 2022

Working Through Sleeve Island Amid Friend Drama

I've been thinking a lot lately about the kinds of friends we meet in our lifetime. We move so often that we are constantly finding new friends, developing different kinds of relationships, and sometime unfortunately leaving behind people that don't remain true friends at all.

Sometimes you don't see the red flags until its too late. And sometimes you see them almost immediately. This last year was the former- we made friends that we thought we would love forever, but learned too late that we were replaceable. Last week I saw the proof: a photo posted on social media of four smiling women, on a girls' trip, and I was not there. It stung, and for a day I couldn't remember what it felt like to feel joy.

The greatest coping mechanism I have in my toolbox came out to play the next day: gratitude. It was hard to tune out my feelings of hurt and rejection, but I embraced the good things I had all around me. I chatted with my family. I bought a disgustingly large amount of girl scout cookies. I baked something that smelled incredible for my kids' dinner. I snuggled our big smelly dog. I watched game shows and shouted at the TV with my husband. I made plans to decorate for the next holiday. All the things that brought me joy, I savored and walked away from the things and people that did not.

So I suppose this post is my attempt to close the book or turn the page on this sad chapter and start anew. I've been thinking quite a bit upon all that's happened and I've come up with two lessons learned:
1. Its ok to walk away from the people who have hurt you and not look back.
2. People who speak badly of others are telling you more about who they truly are.

ok maybe 3
3. I'm a really bad liar.


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