
12 June 2013

One Year Later

I was thinking it was time to write a post about life in Bangkok, when I realized we were coming up on the one year mark. That's right-next week we will have been living in Thailand for one year. One year into our adventures around the world as a family. One year into what may be an amazing story.
One year.
In one year we have moved into a house and totally made it our own. And now it looks like we've lived here forever.
In one year we have had about three barbeques, three birthday parties, two dinner parties, and three neighborhood movie nights at our home. Its been a quiet year.
In one year I have learned the power of the smile, and how it can make a difference to those around you.
In one year we have been to the mountains, the jungle, and the beach.
In one year we were almost toppled and torn apart, but learned to come together.
In one year I learned I was a tough little cookie and was willing to push on after most others gave up.
In one year my children grew up, and found their own voices.
In one year I think we all learned how fortunate we truly are.

Pardon the random photos, but these pictures were taken just a week ago when we were rambling around Khao San Road and the Chao Phraya waterfront. On a whim we decided to finally take a boat tour of the back canals of Bangkok, and it was quite an experience.

1 comment:

  1. momsky6:41 AM

    one whole year. Gone by so fast.We are so proud of you and your spirit of adventure.Never lose your inquisitive nature.
