
12 May 2013

Scenes from Khao Yai

Wow, my apologies! Has it really been almost a month? Time flies when you have to go back to work! Since my last update we have been SO busy: I had a week of CLO training here in Bangkok, my beloved had a 5K to plan in connection with the National Police Week 5K held annually in D.C., we chilled out at an Earth Day concert at Benjasiri Park, shook our tail feathers at the Brazilian Society of Bangkok's annual ball, and zipped off to the beach at Hua Hin for a working weekend.
Before that, I was still riding high on our fantastic trip to Khao Yai, so let me do a quick re-cap!
Khao Yai National Park is GORGEOUS. And fun to drive, with all its twisty turns and steep inclines. The viewpoints are phenominal. The trails are lovely too. We went on two hikes that weekend, and stretched our legs on some challenging trails. Here's Little P flexing for us.

We drove through gorgeous towns, and by traditional homes that made us stop and stare.

We ate delectable food-whether we knew what we were ordering or now, it was all win-win.
There must not be a great deal of farang vacationers to Khao Yai, because there was very little English spoken or written. It didn't matter really. But it led to a few surprises.

My boys had some quality time together, away from the rush of Bangkok life.

I love how this is always present whenever you see a hilltop in the distance. Back home that would be a cell phone tower or something...

We stayed HERE. And enjoyed this view from our private villa every morning and after dinner. And at night you could hear music from the people celebrating Songkran wafting from a distance. But only until the respectable hour of 10, and then it was quiet and still.

We visited three vineyards, and were welcome to walk around them all as we pleased.

We sampled wine. Before lunch, even!
I'm crazy like that.


Cute villa. There it is. Simple, small, but perfect for a family of four and their canine companion.

We leapt over small waterfalls.

We conversed with nature.
It was fantastic.

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