
06 September 2012

Thankful Thursday

Its hard to narrow down all the things I am grateful for to just one at a time. But a conversation I had earlier about parenthood had me thinking about it this morning. Of course I am thankful for my children, but I'm also thankful to be made into a mother. I get to teach and nurture and shape two amazing boys, but they also shape and nurture me.

Before I ever had children I was a great deal more judgmental. I thought I knew it all. These boys change so much and sometimes they totally shake up my world so that what I thought I knew turns up to be totally upside down.

I'm thankful for becoming a mother because now I find it easier to laugh. And for the first time I understand what happy tears really are.

I'm thankful for becoming a mother because its like the fountain of youth. Going through all these beginnings all over again, experiencing wonder all over again, letting the simple fill your life all over again.

Like the simple joys of
  • playing in costumes and laughing because you have a tail that wiggles
  • not wondering if its socially appropriate to hug someone or not
  • bubbles
  • having your mother for once say yes to that little dimestore toy when she usually says no
  • putting sprinkles on anything; homemade popsicles, pancakes, chopped fruit
  • playing in someone else's shoes, eSPECIALLY if they're way too large.

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