
08 May 2012

Maryland Sheep and Wool 2012

I said I was going to behave before we headed over to Maryland Sheep and Wool, but this might have been my last fiber festival for a veddy veddy long time. So, that's my excuse and I think its a pretty good one. The real reason I came back with all this loot was that I could NOT resist the cheerfully bright and scrunchy soft skeins; alpaca/cashmere at Flying Goat Farm and superwash merino from Roclan's. Those turned out to be my kryptonite.

We also spent a lot more time at the festival (Arta, my mother Blogless Sharon, and myself) than we expected. The quality of the vendors, the ideas, the inspiration, and the beautiful sheep were amazing!

We discovered a few new and rare breeds of sheep.

Listened to bluegrass music.

Knitted while waiting in line for lamb lunches.

Drooled over gorgeous bundles of batts.

And drooled some more.

I took these pictures for inspiration, to throw in my project wish-list.

Amanda, starting out Little Bird Fibers, was handing out free mini-batts over in the large barn. What a cute idea! I promised myself I would check her out at littlebirdfibers.etsy just on pure principle.

Melissa Jean's booth was stunning, with all those gorgeous buttons. After elbowing my way through all the admirers I picked up an adorable beaded bracelet kit. After I try it out for myself, I think it might be a useful skill with all those nieces I have!
Good thing my boys weren't here. We did all the things I tell them not to do-touching things, pulling and stretching the items for sale, and at times stamping our feet in frustration. I'm pretty sure more than once I even whined "I waaaaaaaaant.' Bad bad behavior.

Ain't nothing wrong with a little yarnstache.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a great time! I loved it the year I went, too, but found the lines to be a bit daunting.
