
30 May 2012

Colonial Williamsburg


Oh how lovely. So serene, wait something is wrong here. This isn't us.

That's more like it.

A few weeks ago, we squeezed in a visit with some of my dear family. One of the drawbacks of becoming global nomads is the possibility of never crossing paths with people you love. ever again. Well, that just isn't going to happen if I have any say. So when the weekend is open, we grab the opportunity, hop in the car, and drive.

On the way back, we stopped by Colonial Williamsburg, a GREAT place. I love living history, and back in Plymouth, MA you can bet we had lots of it. So this was right up my alley. The kids? Not so much. They loved the cannons and such, but little P kept whining to take the shuttle and Nate was overtired. So what did we do?

You know you would too.


And for a few seconds, we enjoyed this.

Food food food...where is the food.

 I want to take the shuttle bus back to our carrrrrrrr!


And these guys just came moseying along. O. Keh.

And I must say sorry for the lackluster blogging, but we are just hanging in limbo. The hon is getting ready to test, the plane tickets are ready, the packout is scheduled. If all goes well, we leave very very soon. But I'm holding my breath. And the anticipation is killing us-we are sooooo ready to go!

1 comment:

  1. I liked Colonial Williamsburg but I found it to be overwhelming. We were kind of rushed and I'm sure that had something to do with it. Phil will ace the test, I'm sure!
