
02 April 2012

What 38 Is Like

Friday we celebrated a little event. Another birthday for me. And now that I'm on the slippery slope towards 40, its time to just give in and embrace it. So I threw all reluctance aside, put my hair up in a pretty braided bun with some sparklies, strapped on some new heels, tried to apply fake lashes (epic FAIL), and accompanied my gorgeous boys to dinner. My escorts looked particularly handsome that night.
We went to 1789 for a fantastic dinner-DC is full of wonderful eateries, so it was hard to decide which one-thanks to my sweet husband. The maitre d was pleased to tell us how POTUS had been there for dinner, as well as the Clintons, in the very same dining room. He did not receive the excited response from us that he had expected. Oh, that ship sailed LONG long ago. But it was charming all the same.
I thought quite a bit this weekend about hitting age 38. In the weeks leading up to this weekend I was pretty upset about hitting my "late-30's" but looking back at these pictures of us together I feel pretty fabulous. If the boys keep me smiling as much as they did in these pictures, it is quite possible I have found a way to prolong youth!


  1. very handsome men

  2. jen l5:35 PM

    so sweet ... and you are all so happy!
