
29 April 2012

Supersize Sunday

Toddler Trot Contender
 Wow, what a Sunday! We woke up at crack o' dawn and drove to Maryland for an action-packed morning. My husband (and about 2,999 others) had a 10K challenge, which I must say he ran easily, followed by a fun run with little P and a 'Toddler Trot' for Nate. It was so much fun, and such a gorgeous day that we drove in to DC, still in our running clothes. Not that I could have parted my oldest from his award and running shirt.

The National Mall was lively as usual. Um, those people on the left DID have clothing on. I swear.

I had to take a picture of the boys, I was so proud of them today. There would be racing pictures here, but if you follow me on Facebook, it would be overkill. You can thank me later.

Dramatic Moment!!

I never take anything seriously....
We walked to the Enid Hauptman Garden and took a nice break there. This Magnolia tree smelled amazing, so amazing I started snapping pictures of the flowers on it. You might have thought I was crazy, but EVERYONE stopped at this little tree. It was positively entrancing.

Inside the Freer Gallery of Art, we quickly perused the Asian artifacts. Which was perfect with two active boys. The pieces were few and carefully selected, so it wasn't overwhelming or boring. Some were even whimsical.

Like the 'Shrek' urn.
Dreamworks, we are on to you!

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