
19 January 2012

Another Thankful Thursday

First I want to get this out of the way-my newest creations. Santa brought me a new yoga mat this year, and it took me all of two classes to realize I needed something to carry it. Something with pockets for my keys and water bottle. So this is the result of my quickie yoga bag design-let me know if you want to duplicate and I could create some directions. It took about one yard of the main fabric, 3/8 of a yard of the contrast, and some interfacing. But I feel really guilty claiming it as a 'design' since it is really just a simple sewn tube with a strap, give or take a few details. It was very easy and took about 45 mins to complete, so I made one for my hon too.

And can you catch a peek of those slim calves? I can take no credit, been eating like a pig. That's ALL yoga. Love it.

Now we get to the preachy part of my post.

I absolutely love the farmer's markets and fish markets. It absolutely disturbs, no pisses me off, that people will not identify what they eat with where and what the substance actually came from. It seems some have no problem consuming vast amounts of ground meat, chicken etc but will not roast a chicken, or eat ribs. It was explained to me (like how I'm staying vague on the identities here?) that anything 'on the bone' is disgusting. So, you can eat the animal. But as long as you pretend its not an animal? I get confused. I mean, if you can't stand to eat meat, then why do you eat twice as much as I do?

Preachy part over, read on.

So imagine my pleasure when we made a trip to the Eastern Market downtown, and picked up a whole red snapper. The whole thing. And the owner invited little P behind the counter and gave him a lesson on cleaning fish. It may have been because P was so polite, or perhaps because we were getting a thirty dolla' slab of fish! But he was a very good pupil. Then we took Red home, and I roasted him, head and all. Threw it on a plate. Even pointed out his tiny little teeth. And the boys ate it. Not the slightest bit namby-pamby about it. So proud.

Sorry Red! But for that delicious meal, we thank you!
We also bought some items we'd never cooked before.

Like homemade shrimp ravioli in bright colors. (Chuckled at overhearing some DC hipsters bicker over how to cook fresh squid ink pasta).

And rabbit and pork sausage. Last night that was cooked with some leftover pork and served on a bed of spaghetti squash. Sorry bunny. It was so savory, the boys ate it up too. Just love how they will try almost anything. Almost. But I really feel that since we are very adventurous meat-eaters, it is only fair my kids understand that food comes from an animal, not in neat little styrofoam trays at the supermarket. Especially when I am sure in Thailand there will be some of the craziest-looking seafood to ever grace our dinner plates. If they are not willing to try new things, our boys would miss out on so much!

With the yoga bags completed, the sewing machine will be busy the next few days with my latest; the imagination chest. Little P is turning 5 tomorrow. Oh MY. And still exploring all his new Christmas toys, so for his birthday we're making a chest full of costumes for imagination play and make-believe. I'm putting the finishing touches on his king/knight's costume with a cape and crown. You'll see. I'm also making "fun bags" (shaddap, don't laugh) to sort and store their toys.

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