
27 March 2011

Keeping the Balance

Its catch-up time in blogland-and there is a little bit of this, a little bit of that because I have been busy. You see, this time last year I had a BIG bun in the oven, a jet-setting husband, and a career that required a big commute. It wasn't going to work.

So I decided to keep the lovely bun, the husband of course. But 'sayonara' (?) to career. Yep. I did what I had thought I would NEVER do. Well, besides having kids in the first place. But so long law firm. So long lovely paycheck. So long 45-60min quiet time to myself each way, heh. But hello 24/7 supermom. No more dropping off a desparing teething infant at daycare, no more screeching out of the office lot to hopefully get to daycare by closing time, no more quickie bad meals, no more tearful stressed-out skypes with my husband. This is one really happy, well-adjusted household. There is balance. There is love. And learning for me. The choices we make regarding our children and their well-being are the most important.

Oh, but I get the added bonus of having time here aand there to make things, gifts, etc. Like these lovely rosetty bands for my nieces..

And playtime with fabric, like this snowball-squares quilt that will probably be a picnic blanket gifted to someone. I got the tutorial from the lovely blog Cluck Cluck Sew-she has great ideas, and loves to play with color like I do. And you make look at my layout here and think it doesn't make much sense, but to me it makes sense. In its irregularity and joyful colors it makes perfect sense to me.

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