
29 November 2007

Lusty Me!

Hummana hummana hummana
Having a child, among other parts of becoming a 'grownup', means that you have someone else you really wish to indulge in. I don't acquire new knitting goodies very often anymore, since I'm more likely to be caught browsing the sale rack at Baby Gap rather than my beloved LYS. (With the exception of some Debbie Bliss yarn and some gorgeous patterns that have been donated by Blogless Sharon, since she needs more room in her house for her own fleece and homespun! Thanks Mom!!) So I just wanted to share the lusty, hungry eyes I was sportin' a few weeks ago, when my cable dictionary, the Vogue Stitionary, finally arrived. It was pure yarnasm, I swear. Seconds after this photo was taken, I had delved into an enclosed cable pattern for my little croppy vest. (Still in progress, since I am in the throes of holiday shopping and decorating.)
Me likey.
By the way, me also likey Etsy. Positively addicted to handmade stuff. Someone PLEASE take my credit card away!


  1. I love the stitch dictionaries, they're just all possibility!

  2. Anonymous7:53 AM

    have fun please come up for air at some point
