
05 June 2007

An Enigmatic Post

Hello from the land of non-blog. Its been a tumultuous few weeks, filled with developmental changes in LBB, family drama, work work work, fun times with friends, and least of all, knitting. I'm resuming my work on the hooded sweater for baby's first christmas, in hope of entering it in the Barnstable County Fair, since their critieria includes the work be done sometime in the past year. Yah, I'm sure people cheat, but to maintain my own integrity, I'd like to stick to the rules. And the other projects I have done this year have been mostly quick, simple stuff-hats, scarves, arm warmers. However, with the sleeves and hood to go, and very little time to do it (basically during naptime) it is a bit up in the air.

My little sweatpea is wonderful as ever- healthy, strong, and extremely energetic. He now eats a bit of rice cereal every day, but mostly to oblige his parents. He still prefers the buuub, which is just fine with me, since it is easiest on his tummy. He also has discovered his voice and the ability to rise and drop in pitch, which he does in a hilarious parrot-like sqwauuuck for hours at a time.

And of course, much to my excitement he has developed great manual dexterity, and can now use one hand to hold or steady an object while he manipulates it with the other hand, so he can grasp, shake, and spin his toys without smacking himself in the face constantly. It gives me great hope that we may someday be sitting in a mommy-and-me violin class. If he likes that. I won't make him. Um.

He also sleeps quite peacefully through the night.

But with all this wonder and beauty in my life, there are also some challenges. I have a big "WWJD" test ahead of me-a moral dilemma you might say. In fact, when I look at my life aside from these troubles I can say that every week is quite clear, uncluttered, and pleasant. My home is a beautiful sanctuary by the sea-with a wonderful loving husband, and beautiful son. If you would permit me to get a bit Christian on yo' I would say that all of a sudden my life has been disrupted by something villainous and quite evil. The question is, what part of this is the actual evil? The source that has passed on rumors or information and thereby raised this wicked speculation in my mind? Or the people or subject in question? One of them is cruel, awful, and deceitful. But which one? I've been trying for weeks to wrap my mind around this, and what to do.

One thing is certain, the wrong thing for me to do at this point would be to walk away. The implications this has raised are terrible, that to not find out the truth I would inadvertently be causing someone great harm. To look the other way would be wrong. I'm hoping this all amounts to nothing, but sadly, history is not pointing in that direction. So while I wait for the evidence to arrive I am lost and confused about what would be the right thing to do. Normally I don't meddle, in fact I have had such bad experience with meddling and those type of people, that this is completely out of my realm. My usual tactic is to cut ties completely and run.

Once I know the truth, what do I do? Some say I should just present the evidence and leave those affected by this to sort it out on their own. My own feelings are to simply keep it to myself, and never use this information for any purpose-just keep it under my hat, so to speak. And just know the true nature of these people, and thereby protect myself and my own household. If what I suspect is true, then I need to get away from those in question fast, never look back, never be involved with them again. Of course, it's never that simple though! Sorry to babble on, but I am so lost here. I never knew people could be so manipulative and dishonest. My life is about to become soooo Jerry Springer.


  1. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Get one of the Darryls to spray the bastard/bitch. Hugs!!

  2. Geez, hon. What the heck is going on?

  3. In my experience, when you tell someone something they don't want to hear, you're the one who gets punished. And that's even if it's firsthand bad stuff to you (i.e. their hubby propositioned you)--whereas in this case it sounds like you're dealing with rumors and innuendo and secondhand info. So if it's at all possible, I'd try to stay out of it as long as you can. Just my two cents...

  4. Anonymous11:15 AM

    what the heck heather

  5. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I agree with Martita - sometimes it's best to just stay the hell out of it.

  6. Anonymous6:48 AM

    It sounds very complicated. Hope that things settle down soon.
