
08 May 2007

Tuesday Morning Cute-Attack

He did it again. The little devil made me cry.
I am so in love with our little boy, that I cried all the way to work today. Its so hard to leave him after four days of utter paradise. He probably doesn't even notice I'm gone, since he gets to play with his Nana today. But I'm feelin' it. Bad. After all, you leave the warm, welcoming rooms of your home and the child that adores you for the cold, uncaring world of work.
It sucks.
But I have a little shot of of the booger in his little sweater, lovingly handknit by Carole. It was perfect for him on sunday, when there was a bit of a chill in the air. And he looked quite handsome in it, I must say.


  1. Who could resist that adorable little face! Hopefully heading off to work will get easier.

  2. He's so cute. I'm glad the sweater fits now - hopefully it won't get too warm for him to wear it again before he outgrows it.

  3. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I remember those days - hugs to you!!

  4. Anonymous5:51 AM

    He's getting so big. I can't wait to see him again! As for you ... big hugs! xoxo
