
19 March 2007

The Walrus and the Carpenter

The policeman and the secretary
walked on the beach one day
To stretch their legs and see the mess
the storm had tossed astray
They watched the gulls swirl in the wind
and waves crash with a rage
While counting all the crabs and clams
and even an errant lobster cage...
After the storm we wrapped up the baby and took the dog for a walk on the beach. True to the tales we have heard, the second low tide after a storm is a seafood-lovers fantasy. Washed up in the tidal pools were tons of steamers, razor clams, and sea clams. Our jogging stroller quickly became a conduit for a stash of foraged clams (and if anyone reading this is an employee of the town or environmental police I deny deny deny!). That night I whipped up a dinner of stuffed clams just like Mom used to make for us. Yet another reward of living by the beach!
I also started over on the sleeves for EBTKS. The long sleeves looked chunky, so I decided to try a cap- or short-sleeve. Like I have said before, Lisa's patterns are well written and easy to play with, so I cast on 52 stitches and proceeded with a 2X2 ribbing for just an inch, worked in stockinette for another in, and then started the decreases. The neckline should just have 4 extra stitches, which will work out just fine. Hopefully. AND I'll be finished faster..heehe.


  1. Glad you got out to enjoy the after effects of the storm.

  2. Anonymous11:40 AM

    I love the poem. Glad you had such a nice day

  3. Anonymous6:19 AM

    So cool that you can take a walk and pick up dinner along the way ;o)

  4. Lucky you are to have such a bounty tossed at your feet!
