
24 February 2007


There are so many things people try to tell you about having children-most of them are ominous or unpleasant. Every person who has ever had children always passed on gems of wisdom to us that made me put off being a parent more and more. Six years of marriage later, we finally took the step and said goodbye to the freedom of dual-income-no-kids (also known as DINK) and waited to see what would unfold.
The horrors of pregnancy never happened-crying, moodiness, puking, hemorroids, etc- so you all were wrong in that aspect- HA HA! The rest, however, was pretty true. Such as 'your life changes completely' and 'say goodbye to sleep.' Thank god no one told me that I would barely be able to knit, or this may have never happened!
All of this can be enjoyed if you put a positive spin on it, and this I am determined to do!
So, maybe last night I was up four times for feedings. Phil, however, is so sweet (and doesn't have that hearty cry yet) that I actually enjoy it. Sick, isn't it. And nursing is no walk in the park either. Lactation experts at the hospital LIE! The latch-on doesn't cause the pain, it is going to hurt no matter what! But on the flip side, nursing our child is the most rewarding experience, and is well worth the trouble and tears. I understand and sympathize with every woman that could not continue nursing, but urge those who want to try to stick it out-it will be worth it.


  1. Don't you worry, the knitting time will return gradually when your little guy doesn't need you quite as much. And never listen to those gloom and doomers, I've never found things to be even remotely as bad as they forecast.

    You probably don't need this anymore but I've found this to be the most fabulous nursing book ever, it's not at all preachy and very supportive.
    If you're interested I'll even loan you my copy (because clearly I have no need of it anymore *lol*)

  2. Sounds like you are adjusting pretty well for the most part!

  3. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Oh, there is so much right with having children! And I agree - those middle of the night nursings: priceless. And those first giggles? Unimaginably fun!

  4. It's all worth it. But I do have to say that nursing shouldn't hurt. At least, it never did for me.

  5. Congratulations to you both! I won't offer parenting advise...because I'm not a parent...just someones (all grown)kid :) Please do send your email you know, blogger does not let me reply directly. :((( Anyway, that little kimono came out pretty good, and looks even better with a baby inside! I may make another.

  6. Beautiful baby! I nursed three children- and there should be no pain. Improper latching, however, will cause pain.

  7. Anonymous12:12 PM

    No sleep and pain breastfeeding? I'm not listening, lalalalalala... ;)

  8. Anonymous8:36 PM

    I'm going to agree with Carole - it probably shouldn't least, that's what I have been told ;o) I lasted all of three days. When you're 17 and dealing with a newborn, high school and parents who won't speak to you it's a little hard to concentrate on 'latching on' ;o) Of course, I waited too long to be able to take the 'drying up' pills...that is a pain I never, ever want to revisit. Ever.

  9. Your little guy is so cute in his sweater! We are also in DINK but considering multiplying soon....
