
17 January 2007

T-Minus 6 Days......

Place your bets! When will she blow?!

Less than a week to the due date-do you think its time yet? Absolutely not-I'm still working, even! The midwife asked me if I had any contractions....nope...and feeling of 'lightening' from the baby dropping into position....uh, nope. Let's be frank, I won't feel anything of the sort because there is no lower a position he could possibly go! I'm barely over five feet, so unless he can visit my knees, there's no 'lightening' going on here. In fact, he feels like a real fatty boobalatti.

Then I was asked if he had quieted down at all, supposedly a clear sign that delivery is imminent. On the contrary, he has kicked up a storm, and has been able to twist my poor little belly into crazy shapes, practically driving me to tears.

So what does this all mean, you might ask. I don't have a clue, since this is my first go 'round, but I'm taking bets on what will be the actual day. Maria, my father's PA (but better described as wonderful unofficial adopted family member) has passed on her "one week late" curse to me. My supervisor believes my delivery date will depend on the next full moon. And Mr. has discussed at length with our midwives how we may ensure his arrival doesn't fall on or near superbowl sunday. Heaven forbid.

I feel this last (?) week like a vessel-a baby UHaul or something of that sort. None of what happens next is up to me. It's all up to the little guy. And so it will be from now on.


  1. Truthfully I am a strong believer that babies come when they are damn well ready to ;) but if I have to bet I always go with the full moon if it's within a week of the due date and if that's no where near then I look for a big weather/pressure change to be the trigger. That said, I'll cross my fingers that you *don't* go a week over 'cause I really want to see all those cute little knitted goodies on our new little friend asap!

  2. Well for your sake i hope the baby comes soon and is all healthy and cute. As far as when I think.... 1.5 days late is my bet. I can't wait to see pictures, you must be so excited!

  3. Soon, soon, soon I hope!

  4. well for your sake, i hope the little bugger doesn't wait until the next full moon which is 2/2. my niece was born on a full moon though. she's 2 weeks old today!

  5. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Babies confuse the delivery folks too. Doc told me at 2 pm that nothing was happening with my youngest and 12 hours later, that baby boy was in my arms. A week before due date. Of course, his older siblings were 10 days past due date. I hope for you a nice easy delivery on Friday, but my guess is February 2.

  6. Hmmm. I'm not sure but it had better be before SPA. ;-)
    How about 1/23?

  7. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I was two days early, thank God. I hope you are as lucky!

  8. Oh yeah, he's in charge now for sure!!! I hope he decided to venture out soon! :) Hang in there, sweetie!

  9. Start a project, one that will make your living room, dining room or kitchen a mess... that'll make the baby come.. right in the middle of it all. Seriously, I have 19 1st cousins, 80% are female and I'm the only one not pregnant and who doesn't have kids... babies come when they are ready, but in our family, starting a project gets them to come faster. (a good example: my cousin decided to pull all the food out of the cabinets and clean them, and sort the food...and put it back. She had cans of food on her counters for weeks after the baby came, b/c the baby decided to come abotu 10 minutes after she got all the food on the counters. :)

    Snow expected in boston tomorrow... babies like snowstorms!

    :) Kate

  10. Anonymous6:58 AM


  11. I was googling to see if anyone else has made the Kitchen Sink sweater and found your blog. Your sweater is looking great! A hat?! Hope you gave that husband an appropriately withering look.

    I just finished my EBTKS sweater yesterday. Check it out if you like:

    Good luck with your baby!!
