
10 November 2006

Veteran's Day

Since tomorrow I will most likely be sitting at a parade with Scout (probably thinking of my grandpa and crying a little) here's your Veteran's Day post from me a day early.

Please remember the veterans. At some time in their lives they made a huge sacrifice. They were sent away from home, away from loved ones, away from comfort and safety. They may have made tough decisions. Or they may have found they had no choice at all. While we can sit here and bicker about politicians, the price of gas, or the taxes for a cup of coffee, they dutifully follow orders. Even the most horrendous ones of which they will never divulge to us at home. While we are horrified by the news reports and casualties of war, they know with actually experience.

So please honor and treat our veterans with respect. If you see a VFW or American legion table set up at the supermarket, please stop for a moment to thank them. If you see a soldier, stop and thank him or her. Donate a bit of cash to the next care package drive you see.

I hate this post as I write it. I hate the years my family has suffered while our men have been deployed. I hate the fear we all feel as my youngest brother is serving overseas right now. But above all, I am so proud. While others sit back and say "not MY son..." my family bravely steps up and defends our country. I hate it, but know I am safe in my home thanks to the bravery of these men and women.

A little ode to the 82nd airborne:

(Pictured above: Phil, Mike Howie, Dave LaRosa. Lower:Mike Kent, Phil, Jimmy Lok)


  1. Anonymous6:21 AM

    What a handsome bunch of soldiers! It's amazing how having someone in the service can change your perspective on things.

  2. So very true, Heather. I plan on hugging the veterans in my family tomorrow. And I pray for Evan every day.

  3. Anonymous6:39 AM

    What a beautiful tribute god bless our armed forces

  4. may your brother and his fellow soldiers come home healthy and strong.

  5. What a beautiful post. Along with thanking them, I think we should also be thanking YOU for the sacrifices you are making too.

  6. Here's one of the best video tributes to Veterans I've seen:

    I'm a former Marine so I know how tough it is to get thru deployments...hang in there!

  7. Anonymous4:45 AM

    It was an honor to serve with your husband. He was my most trusted friend. Thank you for sharing him with me. We kept close watch over each other. I pray that if we ever have to go over there again, Phil and I are together. Enjoy your holiday season.
    Mike Kent
