
30 October 2006

Molly Molly Bo Bolly Banana Fanna...

Never again will I pick a project with miles of stockinette stitch. This lovely little number is ribbed thoughout, and what a difference it makes. Just over the weekend I finished the front, and will be moving on the the sleeves tonight. Sweeeeeet.

Have you ever considered looking for a job that is further away so you may take the commuter rail rather than sit in miles of traffic? That was my thought this morning while I was sitting on Route 3 eating my second granola bar in stop and go traffic. Wouldn't I rather be sitting on the train with a newspaper, book, or (of course) knitting. If I weigh the benefits of taking the T, this is what I come up with:

1) no more anxiously watching my gas gauge (I HATE pumping gas)
2) at least 30-40 minutes of time to fill frivolously with reading, phone calls, or knitting

However, I also considered:

1) no more fun stops on the way home at Pier1, Trader Joes, or HomeGoods
2) no flexibility with time, no lingering around the house in the morning if I feel the desire to eat some breakfast or sleep in
And last but not least..
3) Who was sitting in this seat before me? ewww.


  1. Anonymous7:11 AM

    haven't you learned to knit and drive at the same time?

  2. i take the commuter rail a couple of times a week. it's much more civilized than the T and it's really not that gross. just think about who may have touched that item you're thinking of buying at Pier 1 or Trader Joe's before you've picked it up.

  3. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Driving and knitting is easy...just steer with your knee ;o)
