
16 October 2006

Finishing Touches

Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending a baby shower-coincidentally for another Heather. In fact, I think the two of us are quite alike- she's handling the last trimester with a lot more grace than I, but I am trying to follow in her footsteps!

Heather has a warm family, with plenty of sisters, aunts, and nieces to celebrate with, so it was a large shower with lots of pink presents. I was in pink paradise...However, halfway through the presents I became infatuated with her friends' little boy (I forget his name) who had to be about 2 years old, and had the nature and austerity of a little man. He marched purposefully from room to room, consumed anyting you put in front of him dutifully, and answered you directly in short punctuated bursts when asked a question. A no-nonsense little guy. Oh, and he had the biggest most beautiful eyes.

So through most of the shower I daydreamed about what our little guy may be like...And decided some more chunky, stripey, earth-tones raglans would be necessary in case we happen to give birth to a little boy like that. So while I'm plugging away at my silly hat, I'll be searching for some ultra-soft merino wool in off-white, or maybe something tweedy to make into chunky little vests and sweaters. A good mission for Rhinebeck, I must say.


  1. Anonymous7:53 AM

    absolutely beautiful sweaters such happy thoughts

  2. Anonymous10:43 AM

    the sweaters are so cute! you do such a great job! go knitter go!

  3. It's been so exciting sharing this journey with you - thank you so much for letting us come along. :) I love your little sweaters. And it is about time to get those Rhinebeck shopping lists together - how fun!!

  4. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Love the sweaters! I think tweedy yarn makes the cutest sweaters for little boys :o)

    Can't wait to see you on Saturday!
