
14 July 2006

Woohoohooo I am so tired! We had a blast at the game last night, and NO, I did not bring my knitting. I chickened out of course. How are you supposed to knit while you're holding a basket of french fries anyways? Well, poor Phil had to sit in front on two of the most obnoxious girls. He doesn't look too happy....

Then we had the great fortune of being seated behind this guy, with the cherry-red face. His entire purpose for the game was to get noticed by the cameras, and blocked most of the action with his directional arm-waving (and if you heard the score, you'd know it didn't help much)

My mission for tomorrow is to finish those curtains and start hunting for a bed for our guest room! I may also sneak in two hours of beach time, since its supposed to be lovely. If I succeed in my task, I suppose I could slip out saturday night to the Cabby Shack to meet up with my friends....but we'll see.

You know what they say, all work and no play.....


  1. The Cabby Shack is always good for some fun. Have a good weekend.

  2. Anonymous7:33 AM

    have a super time hope to see you sometime this weekend

  3. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Hey, I was at the same game! The guy in front of us wouldn't stop screaming 'encouragements' to the players the whole game. And I brought my knitting :)
