
24 July 2006

Where's Waldo?

Every weekend we have a wonderful time; spend time with family, go to parties, dinners and have lots of QT (quality time), yet I discover the next monday that I have very few pictures to prove it! Monday is the day when I want to remember the weekend, every sunny relaxing moment. Sitting in my grey cubicle, surrounded by vomit-green walls and artificial lighting, I plug in the Olympus camera. True to form, I have taken FOUR pictures. Four. *sigh* And of course not a single one of myself. Just take my word for it-I was there.

Here's Mr. Wonderful, whipping up some virgin strawberry daquiris for me. He's grinning however, because he made one for little Curtis as well, who has his mother convinced that he has stolen off with someone's cocktail...

I know my blog has been very skant on the knitting theme, but the sweater from hell was along for the ride, of course. When it began to pour I snuck a spot under the tent and went to work, at which point an onlooker snidely said, "You don't do anywhere without that, do you?"


  1. I never, I mean never, leave home without a knitting project. The muggles just don't understand, dear.

  2. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Just wait until you have that baby - you'll have tons of pictures!

  3. Anonymous7:01 AM

    scout is so cute being hawaian

  4. Anonymous9:29 AM

    You could have told the 'onlooker' that you have sharp, pointy sticks in that knitting and your hormones might just let loose at snide knitting comments... ;o)
