
06 July 2006

If this sweater project could be compared to the Boston Marathon, I would be the runner parked in White Mountain Creamery in Wellesley, tempted by a chocolate-dipped waffle cone and NOT by the finish line. This weekend I made a renewed attempt at the Almost Cowl-you could spot me knitting on the couch in front of Project Runway re-runs (do you know the winner of the first season incorporated a lot of knits in his finished line?) all saturday, knitting at the beach:

(ooh, scandalous...notice I made the picture very very small. Don't look closely or your retinas will burn!)

I knitted for hours at the celebration in Plymouth on tuesday, and almost burst with pride when my friend Kevin told me it was beginning to look like a sweater. Finally! I knitted until the sun went down, watched the fireworks, then went home and knitted some more. I WILL finish this project someday-I don't care if I have to knit in the shower!


  1. Great beach-y photo!

  2. Anonymous10:37 AM

    I dread miles of stockinette stitch. I will go out of my way to find the most complicated pattern I can just so I can avoid miles upon miles of stockinette.

    Because it grows, you know. No matter how much you knit, you still have to knit more...and more...and more...


  3. Anonymous7:53 AM

    soo, if you knit in the shower will you post that photo?
