
19 June 2006


I don't know what happened. I woke up Saturday morning like Elle Woods in "Legally Blonde" with the song "Perfect Day" running through my head. I stretched, smiled, took a long shower, painted my toenails pink, and shimmied into a cute strapless pink dress and heels. Still humming, I picked up a pink cup of iced coffee at Mary Lou's and zipped to my LYS in my Jeep with the windows down. On my way I laughed at the sunbathers at Long Beach, already turning tomato-red from the sudden exposure to harsh sunlight.

In Duxbury, I stopped by Wool Basket Yarns on Depot Street. Not only are they next door to the funky shop Octavia's, but they carry a huge selection of Noro, Cherry Tree Hill, Rowan, Classic Elite, and Lorna's Laces. I also noted she received a big shipment of Koigu, but alas, with two projects still on the needles, I was just there to browse.

I coasted to EarthTones, and two hours later emerged radiantly re-blonded. Assured that every ray of sunlight was reflecting off me and my super blondissimo head like a halo, I sailed home, bought the makings of a red-leaf walnut and pear salad with grilled chicken and raspberry vinaigrette, and prepped the house for mister's return. I didn't even bat an eyelash when he announced his best friend would be joining us for dinner.

Fresh peonies on the table, me smiling and arranged like a barbie-doll-he must have thought I had lost my mind.


  1. Sounds like a great day! I work right around the corner from the yarn store--we'll have to meet sometime!

  2. Anonymous4:42 PM

    And y u looked mahvelous the next day
