
12 June 2006

The Fab Five

Having your spouse serve overseas for over a year in a war-torn and shellacked country? Not good at all. Meeting four women who are going through the same ordeal and creating a FABulous circle of friends? Very very good. All of the infamous Fab Five (we even had t-shirts made) are in different stages of life; two newlywed couples, one couple with two fabulous children, one couple planning on fabulous children (moi), and one couple just taking the big step to begin it all.

This weekend was the celebration of that last couple, being joined in HOLY matrimony, batman! Dina and Matt began their engagement last year during his two-week leave, when they were reunited for a quick getaway in the Caribbean. It was the sweetest proposal I had ever heard, and I know we have all looked forward to the wedding event. I always cry at weddings now, right before the vows are read, because I find myself just gushing over with delight that another lovely couple will be finding out how wonderful it is to share a life together. Marriage has made me so happy, that I just want EVERYONE to have it (it may not be for everyone, but damn I wish it was! Just like chocolate-not everyone loves it, but I wish they did).

I truly feel bad that we didn't keep the ranks open for all the other spouses we met last year, but these four girls were so distinctly different:so honest & forthcoming, yet sharp, intelligent, and opinionated, that it was almost impossible with our strong personalities to even make room for more. Maybe it was possible, but why mess with something so perfect?

But I digress! The wedding was beautiful! The reception was a blast- and as usual, I laughed almost the entire time. Phil found some cheese that was really gum, Christie & Jen tried to snag the bridal bouquet from the horde of single gals, Matt lost the garter in the chandelier, I gazed longingly at the chocolate fountain for about 2 hours...

And here was the dowry:
JUST KIDDING! That's the latest addition at the home of blogless Sharon! Baby Moo!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful time. It's great that you found a silver lining to Phil's time overseas.
