
10 February 2022

This Blocking Controversy


Its crazy but the knitting community has gone through serious infighting over the last few years, sometimes over very serious matters such as racism and inclusivity. I don't feel that any of these matters have been resolved or improved at all, but I could be wrong. This week the issue has been one of less gravity, but still important to me because its has been an issue in my knitting skills for a long time.


For the non-knitters, blocking is the process in which you lay out and shape your finished garment, ensuring the colorwork or fabric texture is shown to its greatest advantage. A few days ago a well-known knitting pattern designer tweeted a short rant: Your project is not finished til it's blocked properly. Don't show your unblocked lace and say you're packing it up as a gift. 

The knitters in Twitter did not recieve this "knitsplaining" very well, and I admit it annoyed me as well. Not only did I not follow this woman (thank you hashtags) but have long been irritated by the handful of designers that take to Twitter to rant about their customers. Her vagebook-style message thrown blindly in the twitterverse landed on hundreds of knitters who do not deserve her criticism. To be fair, she did apologize, but not without the usual wishy washy poor-me messages about how cruel people were to her. 

From the start of my knitting journey up to just a few years ago, blocking was mystifying and frustrating to me. Google searches gave me numerous different answers on how to block my sweaters and lace. Attempts at each one of them gave me varying results. And I really wasn't interested in buying wires, mats and pins to add to my collection of supplies that I truck around the world. I resorted to pinning my sweaters, on top of a towel, on my husband's side of the mattress while he was away on business trips!

Later I discovered the top of my hope chest provided almost enough room and firmness to pin and shape one item at a time, and I've stuck with that method since. If I exemplify the majority of knitters, it means that figuring out how to soak and block is a confusing and difficult process in learning this craft. Criticism IS NOT appreciated, even if you have it all figured out.

For the record, I soak my finished item in a steel bowl filled with tepid water for at least 20 hours. Removing it carefully, I roll the item into a big beach towel to remove moisture, then take a fresh towel to cover my blocking pad (see above). Then, I carefully shape my knit on top of that and pin it at the desired shape, leaving it there until its dry. 

And I don't care what R says about when to show your creation- Its done when you think its done!

03 February 2022

Three Little Things for Thursday

 It's a dreary rainy day here in Virginia, but I'm glad I get to snuggle up with some of my favorite things. I'm a big fan of my mother's quilts, worsted weight yarn projects, and I'm back on a green tea kick lately. 

Today I just thought it would be nice to dedicate a post to just three little things. Any little thing, as I'm not in the mood to think up a category. 

  • On The Needles I'm starting up a pretty colorful neckwarmer/cowl called Moonwake, designed by Andrea Mowry, to use up some mini skeins I recieved in a subscription box. It was crazy of me to think I needed a monthly delivery of rando yarn, and it only took me a few shipments to realize this wasn't for me. So yesterday I laid out all the yarn I've held onto on the floor and sorted it by weight, and I plan on knitting up as much of it as I can over the next four months. 

I'm thinking mitts with scandinavian designs, some cowls and intricate winter hats...I also pulled out my one WIP that has been hibernating for a few months, the Reina de Picas top by Valentina Bogdanova. It's always been a wish of mine to attempt one of her lacy beautiful sweaters, and after I finished the trickiest part-the lace yoke-I just stalled.

  • On My Mind The boys just finished another semester of school and its just a relief to see them do well. Even Nate, who tested the art of procrastination this term!! did really well. Philip had his courses readjusted for next year so he can take French and stay on track to study Mechanical Engineering someday. And last night we attended the military recruitment event at his school and learned allllllll about the application and selection process for the military academies. He shook hands, asked questions, and recieved some pretty awesome information about how to achieve his goals. I'm proud of these kids. 

  • On The Horizon Its time to start thinking about our summer plans, summer camps, travel plans, and getting home somehow to visit family. My deep winter retreat with Mom in Freeport -NETA SPA- was cancelled this year and that stinks because I dearly value and need that time with Mom. Its a long weekend where I get her alllllll to myself, and we dine and drink and talk talk talk. And I usually come home to find the boys were up to shenanigans, enjoying a bit of time away from me. I'm just looking forward to getting back "home" and hanging out with Mom this summer. And the rest of our family is cool too. 

I'm also discovering all the interesting things we can do on weekends or long weekends from our future home in Luxembourg. This week I got a map (it helps me, I know I'm ancient) and a journal to start writing down destinations and activities that the kids would like. We were worried that they would get sick of castles and wineries, so I'm finding out about all these incredible fun outdoor adventures we may have. Ever since our time in Bangkok, I also really like finding places to shop, explore and eat that maybe aren't quite as popular as other places. So far, I found a little town that's not even marked on the map that is in a valley of waterfalls! You can hike all around them, and chill out in the town that is away from most of the tourist spots. I can't wait!