
20 February 2008

Back Again??

Two months since my last post?! How embarrassing! Even with a new digital camera from Christmas! Well, here's a quick catch-up from new-mommy-and-job-land:

First we have some clawing and pushing and nagging and lots of fingernail-biting over the last several months to get Mr. fieldsofheather the job of his dreams. And that was no small feat with all the reports and paperwork that our physician failed to complete, which ended up with me banging on his office door at 8AM with threats of violence (don't worry, no knitting needles were involved.)

Second, we have LBB turning ONE. I celebrated mostly because I couldn't beleive I have been a halfway decent mommy so far. Of course the celebrating came too soon, as LBB encountered his first ear infection that weekend, and I was too clueless to understand what was going on for a few days. Bad mommy.

Then we have some reading, and some daydreaming over Stephanie Japel's "Fitted Knits" book, none of which has come to fruition. I'm still mulling over my next ME-ME-All-about-ME project, while working on some baby shower gifts. Priorities, ya know!

Hmm...throw in some philosophy ("Plato and a Platypus" really good night-time reading), some home decorating (more on that later), and one of my favorite new developments, this old bookcase that was scavenged from a local school and remodeled by Mr. to house all my knitting 'stuff.' I absolutely love it, but need to reorganize all my books and yarn to look a little more crafty and neat. Its still have to make things managable with a little boy wobbling around, but its certainly getting a lot easier than those first few months! Hopefully, I'll be able to reconnect with my the bloggers I admire so much, and reconnect with my own desire for handiwork. *Big sigh!*